Mama’s Just Sayin’ with Elana

airs on Sundays at 3:00 p.m. Grab the podcast here.

Let’s talk about this life, the adventure that we get to take every single day. The wonderful moments where grace comes so naturally, the struggles and stumbles just to get out of bed and all of the stuff in the middle. we have so many moments that feel sort of insignificant when really each thing we respond to in life helps to build our character,grow our karma and manifest our tomorrow. for me that is what makes this life so much fun, humans are a trip.

On Mama’s Just Sayin’ we will be sharing our thoughts from the most powerful to the vulnerable. We will be silly and serious, we will find new things to learn together and discover ways to forgive ourselves for simply existing. I invite any of my tribe who are interested in sharing music, poetry, comedy and anything else that means a lot to you, so feel free to hit me up @ with any ideas or input, let’s see where this road takes us.

I want to throw out there that the title of my show is honoring the wisdom of my mother, Moonwater, as she is my reason for most of the things I get to learn every day. I always say the the best parts of my spirit come from being my mother’s daughter and my son’s mother, so thank you Devin for helping me to grow and be a better person.